Ausstellung / Exhibition

The “audio body” has landed at the Frauenmuseum Hittisau in Western Austria. It invites you to listen to pregnant women talking about being pregnant and really sparks your imagination. Questions such as Do you speak to the creature growing inside of you? or Are there special dreams you would like to share? are explored. It is part of the exhibition “birth culture: giving birth and being born”, which is running from July 5th, 2020 until October 31st, 2021.

Organized by the International Association of Women’s Museums, the exhibition will travel to Ukraine, Italy and Spain. You can read more about the audio body on



/// for english version please see below ///

Im Mittelpunkt der Ausstellung steht die Körperlichkeit der Frauen, die neun Monate lang ihr Leben für ein anderes Leben leben und deren Weltbezug sich während dieser Zeit auf gewaltige Weisen verschiebt.


Das Zielpublikum sind Schwangere, werdende Väter, Mütter und Väter, Geschwister, Grosseltern und alle, die an einem Diskurs über Identität und Geschlechter interessiert sind.


Wir entwickeln das Format für einen Kunst- und Kulturraum. Als Wanderausstellung wird sie sowohl in öffentliche Kulturinstitutionen wie Museen sowie auf gynäkologische Kongresse und in Geburtskliniken geschickt.


Hörkörper / Audio body


Anfassen und hören / Touch and listen

installation03Embodied listening


/// english version ///

The focus of the exhibition will be the physicality of women who, for nine months, live their life for another life, and so necessarily drastically change their relationship to the world during this period.


The exhibition is intended for women in childbearing age, expecting fathers and mothers, siblings, grandparents, as well as all people who are interested in a discussion of identy and gender.


We’re designing the show initially for an art and culture space, but the exhibition will be traveling to public cultural institutions such as museums as well as gynaecological conferences and birthing centres.


Sprichst du mit dem Wesen, das in dir wächst? / Do you speak to the creature growing inside of you?


Schematischer Grundriss mit Inszenierungen in der Ausstellung / Schemtaic floor plan with exhibition installations


Ausleihe Schwangerschaftsanzug / Try out a pregnancy suit

Die grosse Bildfläche / The great image wall


4 Tonstücke / 4 sound pieces


Wild Room


Träume während der Schwangerschaft / Dreams during pregnancy


In der Mitte entspannen / Relax in the center of the exhibition